Monday, October 12, 2009

Frank Lloyd Wright-esque

That was in the description for this last home Jeff and I put an offer in on this weekend. It also said it was a home for people with ESQUISITE taste (yes, in caps) and that's pretty much the McMillans in a nutshell so we had to take a look. Joking aside, it's a pretty rad house. It's really large thanks to an addition put on the house (a big bonus room with a second fireplace, a bar, and a 3/4 bathroom) and it has a lot of neat original details. And it's a regular sale! This one is also in Wrigley so extra points for being close to Mandy and Seth.

The cute house on Oregon (with the red door) got swooped up by an all-cash offer, even though it was significantly less than our offer. Apparently the seller just wants to be done with it and all cash closes a lot quicker than loans. *$%*!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ooo. This one looks real neat!