Monday, September 13, 2010


A new shelter and lifestyle print magazine!! I so esciiiited! After my rough year of losing Domino, while still reeling from the loss of Budget Living, Blueprint, Gourmet, and Cookie, the news of Anthology's release is SO welcome. I love me some online print mags (Lonny, Rue) but I love curling up in a cozy chair in a sunny room with a cup of coffee and an empty day in front of me with a favorite magazine to flip my fingers through even more.

It's only a quarterly magazine right now (sad face) and it's a bit pricey ($38 for the four issues) but that's what I would have paid for my cancelled subscriptions anyways. Plus it's supporting the movement to bring back the print mag. I'M FOR IT! And hello, it's Anh-Minh Le and Meg Mateo Ilasco behind it. Of course it's going to be good. They are style powerhouses. I can't wait for it to grace my mailbox... the metal one nailed to our porch, not my inbox. Yay!

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